Discus AWS Cloud Service

DBS - The Optimal Cloud Transformation Solution

Cloud Migrating Solution For Your Business

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    Do You Have a Cloud Computing Strategy?

    DBS is a cloud migration strategy provider that provides companies with the opportunity to move their data to a cloud provider, rather than managing it on-premise.

    The advantages of choosing cloud migration with DBS are numerous – it reduces costs, improves efficiency and scalability, and helps businesses maintain control of their data. The use cases for DBS are endless – from startups to enterprise companies, small business owners to large corporations.

    Get assistance now for a customized migration!



    Competitive Advantage

    Cloud migration is the future of IT infrastructure which offers many benefits to businesses, including high productivity, cost savings, and increased flexibility. In addition, cloud migration helps companies gain a competitive edge over their competitors by improving their agility and scalability.

    Cloud helps Companies optimize their Costs and Scale

    The cloud is an excellent alternative to in-house infrastructure and its cost.

    Innovation and Experiment

    Migrating to the cloud allows you to create and experiment with new products and services.

    Increased Security and Data Protection

    All data sent to the cloud is encrypted and hosted in a centralized and protected environment.

    Cloud Security

    Cloud security is a set of processes and technologies designed to address external and internal threats to business security. Careful analysis, planning, and implementation are essential to ensure that cloud solutions align with the needs of your business, including cloud providers and the customers who use them.

    Business Continuity Planning

    Business continuity planning is a comprehensive service that includes contingency plans for every aspect of the business, such as business operations, human resources, partners, or assets affected by unforeseen events such as cyber-attacks, natural disasters, etc.

    Competitive Advantage

    Back up your network quickly and regain access to your business data and documents. Reconnecting your employees to connect and support your customers’ makes your organization a leader they can trust and rely on.

    Why are companies moving to Cloud?

    Cost Reduction

    A recent survey, almost 50 percent of organizations say their IT expenses have dropped by 30-50 percent from the use of cloud technology and 73% of SMBs reported operational cost reduction as a result of adopting cloud technology. Cost can be reduced as you pay for the services that you have procured, rather than make a investment in on-premise hardware. The Pay-as-you-go basis model also ensures you do not have to make huge one-time investments upfront.


    Cloud computing is scalable, allowing you to expand and reduce the resources you require with great ease. Cloud migration allows organizations to anytime expand services based on its necessities. If needs increase, it’s easy to scale up cloud capacity, drawing on the service’s remote servers. Likewise, it can be scaled down again, the flexibility is built into the service. Best part if you only pay for what you use.


    AWS Migration Case Study

    How Discus overcame the Scalability issues of one of the major pharma company in Europe by providing fully automated deployment operations with zero operational burdens.